We Interrupt This Christmas Countdown

looking up into an attic

…to clean the attic!?!!??

A view from the bottom of an attic ladder looking up inside the attic
The attic is above the studio

I know – we are certified crazy over here …. but there’s a good reason to take the morning off yesterday from quilting… namely, it was predicted to be almost 80 degrees Wednesday – by the weekend about 57.

Well, that,  and in less than two weeks we will have workers in our attic to replace our galvanized pipes with PEX and they have to have a clear path ….and clearly with this being the best weather day all week…well… into the attic we went!

Oh The Places  You Go, The Memories You  Hold

An attic floor covered with stuff
Current worldview looking down into the studio from the attic

The quilting had to wait a few more hours. Had I had the time to be nostalgic…well,  the attic held many treasures that would walk my mind down memory lane…but alas, this was a workday and a short one at that – by noon the heat would be unbearable!

See that pipe running down the middle of the floor? That was the only assessable pipe prior to moving things around and out –  if you could call it assessable…. Kinda tight working conditions for those water pipe guys…

A messy attic
The holiday storage side of the attic, complete with the chairs used when company comes, and a whole lot of other stuff

And the other important areas?  Like the front side corner where the main water comes into the house, or the opposite corner leading to the water heater…Well, let’s just say we’ve been meaning to clean out the attic for a while now….and that day now had a deadline!

Time to clean the attic – many boxes had already been rearranged or removed
luggage, a cot, bean bag and storage boxes in an attic
Naturally, my luggage is colorful! And that bean bag? It’s over 40 years old – the original piece of furniture from before our newlywed days.

It’s a good thing I’ve been making friends with The Container Store! Just the other day I picked up some weathertight totes with red lids with the plans to repack my Christmas storage. Wasn’t planning on doing it this year as we had made the decision not to decorate for the holiday – kinda hard when the place is such a mess and there are no surfaces available to decorate. And besides, who had the time! So many quilts to do!

So instead, we brought the totes up into the attic and I sat for literally hours going through things and either repacking or discarding – but only the holiday decorations and the loose things I knew could be tossed or donated. Looks better don’t you think!

We made a trip after lunch to our local thrift store, and they seemed pleased to see that I had several buckets with usable Christmas decorations – I am hopeful that these items will be a blessing to someone this holiday season especially since many people lost their decorations in the flood. Hopefully, the other items will be useful too – from empty storage to complete snorkeling sets…yeah, the things you find in an attic (grin).

While we were still crazy out of our minds we decided we needed a 5-mile bike ride around the neighborhood to work out the soreness of all that moving! Not to mention the crick in our backs after not being able to stand up for several hours while in the attic.

Indeed it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

A warm sunny day near Galveston Bay

What’s in Your Attic?

There’s still a lot of sorting to do in the attic – best saved for another day. Plans are to go through all those odd shaped boxes, the ones labeled childhood memories or Ma-ma’s dishes,  and repack them in clear weathertight totes which will stack better. In addition, we’d love nothing better than to continue to take truckloads to the thrift store down the street. After all, the first text from my husband when he was dealing with the flood without me as I was stranded in Iowa was “we’ve been wanting to downsize.”

For now,  we’ve cleared a path enough for the repipe specialists to do their job.  By taking time yesterday to straighten things up a bit we didn’t have to work in the attic on a cold day or a hot humid day either!!


And the quilting? Of course I worked in the studio – after all Christmas is just four days away!

Here’s a sneak peek of the military uniform quilt – I just love the pockets on military uniforms and incorporated a lot of them into the quilt – leaving them unable of course ????. Today’s goal – finish the quilt for an “after work hours” delivery!

More later – I’ve got quilts calling my name!

This is Karen Overton, The Quilt Rambler, hopeful of meeting all those Christmas deadlines despite being distracted!

By the way, it’s Day 21 of the #31dayblogchallenge #2017blogwriting challenge – visit the other folks to see how they are doing!











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