Online Shop Hop Replay

Wow! I actually survived! My first and second Facebook Live all on the same day!

Did you know that we did our Facebook Live outside in Tropical Storm strength winds! Wasn’t on our plan, but the “show must go on!” Found out later there were winds up to 70 mph! Whew! But it didn’t stop our fun! Thanks to my friends Sarah for organizing the event and holding my hand to teach me how to do this, and to Lisa for being my Vanna.

Here’s a screen shot one son sent to the other – so thankful for my family’s support!

If you missed it, well, the replay will be up through the weekend and my “specials” will be honored through Sunday.

Due to a last minute “technical difficulty” for another shop, I went live again that evening – this time moving inside to avoid the winds!

Don’t forget to go back to the previous blog and register for my grand prize.

Revisit all the other shops throughout the weekend for #missingfestival

This is Karen Overton, The Quilt Rambler

Thank you for your support!!

PS – let me know if this is something you’d like to see me do in the future – I’m thinking maybe a special event with Island Batik precuts? Leave a comment!

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